Florida Childcare
State Requirements

 General Information.
 (1) Application.
 (a) Application must be made on CF-FSP Form 5237, Dec. 99, Application For A License To Operate a Specialized Child Care Facility for Mildly Ill Children, which is incorporated by reference.
 (b) Each completed application must be submitted to the licensing authority, with the statutory licensing fee.
 (c) The completed application must be signed by the individual owner, prospective owner, or the designated representative of a partnership, association, or corporation.
 (d) A completed application for renewal of an annual license must be submitted to the department or local child care licensing agency at least 45 days prior to the expiration date of the current license to ensure that a lapse of licensure does not occur. The renewal application and required forms may be obtained from the local child care licensing office.
 (2) License.
 (a) A license to operate a child care facility for mildly ill children is issued in the name of the owner, partnership, association, or corporation.
 (b) Facilities providing both regular child care for well children and child care for mildly ill children must procure and maintain two separate licenses.
 (c) Hospitals maintaining current Joint Commission for the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) accreditation, operating hospital based child care for mildly ill children, shall be exempt from licensure under this rule.
 (d) In compliance with Section 402.305(18), F.S., at least one week prior to changing ownership of a child care facility, one or more of the following methods of notification to parents or guardians must be observed:
 1. Posting a notice in a conspicuous location at the facility.
 2. Incorporating information in any existing newsletter.
 3. Individual letters, or fliers.
 (e) The license must be posted in a conspicuous location at the facility.
 (3) Ratios.
 (a) The following staff to child ratios are based on primary responsibility for the supervision of children and applies at all times, when mildly ill children are in care:
 1. For children from birth up to 1 year of age, there must be one child care personnel for every three children.
 2. For children 1 year of age up to 4 years of age, there must be one child care personnel for every four children.
 3. For children 4 years of age and older, there must be one child care personnel for every six children.
 (b) Mixed Age Groups.
 1. In groups of mixed age ranges, where one or more children under 1 year of age are in care, one child care personnel shall be responsible for a maximum of three children of any age group.
 2. In groups of mixed age ranges, where one or more children 1 year of age and older are in care, the staff to child ratio shall be based on the age of the largest numbers of children within the group. When equal numbers of children in each group are in care, the most restrictive staff to child ratio shall apply. 
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