Thread: Throwing Up...
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rmc20021 05:18 AM 03-21-2013
I once lost a family due to this very reason. The 1 yo vomited one day and as I was trying to get him away from it and cleaned up, the other kids were all fascinated with the vomit which I had to leave until I got the child in a better position.

I called mom and washed the childs clothes. Mom sent grandma so dcb had clean clothes on and dcm acted very put off by having to have him picked up. They sent him back the next day.

Same exact thing happened...only this time I didn't wash his clothes, just bagged them up and sent them home. Never heard from them again until I took them to court for non-payment of their fees, where they CLAIMED I just didn't want to watch their son and they CLAIMED I had never given them a copy of the contract.

I DID give them a copy to sign and return to me, which they had never done so I was not able to collect the 2 week termination fees. That was when I learned that I do not send the contract home with the parents, they sign it in my presence.