Thread: Sippy-Cups
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melissa ann 03:37 PM 07-09-2011
I H ATE SIPPY CUPS! I have a dcg who will be 4 in Oct whose mom brings her drinks is sippy cups. One time my dd said to dcm, why does she still use sippy cups. Mom said so she don't spill in the car. They only live 20 mins away. My own kids did use sippys right after they got off the bottle. But by 1 1/2 yr old they were using cups with straws. And that's what we took for road trips. But not anything under 60 mins. But anyway, this girl is bigger than the 2 4 yr olds in my care and she's using sippy cups. She gets really mad when I put her drink in a regular cup. I have a 2 yr old who I had using straws by 1 1/2 and he uses a regular cup without straws now. The mom of girl can NOT say no to this girl ever. I would love to be around when this girl gets in her teens. Realty will hit hard for her because this girl thinks the world should hand her whatever she wants.