Thread: Lingering DCD
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Unregistered 01:53 PM 02-27-2011
Its really hard to take a sick, non-feverish, snotty kid anywhere. If the center had sent us home it would have helped so much, since the doctor ordered us back several times. Once they have been on antibiotics for 24 hours, the center policy is to bring them. The doctor knows this too. I did, he became dehydrated- and had been offered nothing to drink but milk, even when I brought him drinks with his name and explained.

They ALWAYS knew to call me if they had any problems and NEVER did. ( And I made a point to tell this to all of the new, rotating caregivers, too)

I am pretty sure they all make more than 2.08 an hour, and if that was all I made, I would find another gig in a hurry.

What parent doesn't dig their kid?