View Full Version : Unlicensed Provider Claiming to Take Me to Court

10-05-2009, 01:12 PM
I have an old unlicensed provider claiming to take me to court for an old unpaid bill. All I am asking for is a break down of costs. There is a difference between what I owe and what she claims I owe of almost $300. There was no sign in/out sheet. I am concerned about her not being honest. She claims she has it all on camera?? But not believing it. She raised my rates by almost double with only 2 days notice. I don't believe she has any grounds to stand on, but was just wondering. She has not provided the break down costs. She is threatening me now. What do I do? I have called her and sent a letter asking for the break down. Both of which she claims I didn't. Help!

10-05-2009, 01:43 PM
Do you owe this provider any money? If you do, pay it. As for the $300 that you can't agree on, I would insist on documentation. She would have to have this for court, so she may just be blowing hot air.
So again, my advice, pay what you owe and wait for the documentation on the rest.

The fact that she doesn't have a license is neither here nor there. She provided you with a service and you used her. Pay up. You could have refused to continue going to her when her rates jumped without much notice. I would have. That doesn't seem very professional or ethical on her part. If you continued using her services after being told of the rate hike, that's on you. I would have just quit.

Former Teacher
10-05-2009, 02:38 PM
Let her. Explain to the judge or whoever that you have repeatedly asked her for proof and explanations and you weren't given any.

Mail her another letter. Send it with signature confirmation. Trust me, it will be worth the money. Just be peachy nice.

Call her bluff. She will back down.

melissa ann
10-05-2009, 02:44 PM
How far back does this go? If you owe her money,does she have a late fee for each day the bill is not paid? Could that be where the extra $300 is coming from? Did you give her notice when quiting? If not, does she have a fee for that? did you even sign a contract?
The 2 day notice for a rate increase, seems a bit extreme and unprofessonial. I too would have not send my child there in that case.
If you still owe money, pay what you think is due. Are you figuring in the rate increase or are you going by the old rate?
I would think it wouldn't matter whether or not she is licensed. do you know if she's filing this income on her taxes? In most states, you can watch a certain number of children w/o being licensed.

10-06-2009, 06:28 AM
Did you sign a contract for the rate increase? If not, pay what you owe and leave it at that.

10-06-2009, 08:21 AM
Certified letters should be sent from here on out. She either has to sign for it or you get back a record that she refused it. I agree call her bluff. No contract, no go.

10-07-2009, 09:39 AM
Definitely only communicate through registered letter from this point on. If she doesn't have documentation of why you owe so much, then she has no case, so I agree with the others here who say to call her bluff.

Did you terminate care with less than 2 weeks notice? Did you have a contract that stated you had to give notice? If you had a contract and you didn't give notice, she could be trying to charge you for the time period stated in the contract that you had to give notice. If that's the case, the only way she could get away with that legally is if you signed a contract that stated she had the right to change her rates at any time with no notice, but you still had to give a certain amount of notice prior to terminating care...