View Full Version : Provider meals out for daycare relatd act.

01-21-2013, 06:22 AM
When I am at day long trainings or board meetings with my local fcc assoc, what category does this go under and how much of my meals during these occasions, can I deduct on my taxes?

What about money I spend for assoc.events that I am not reimbursed?? Where can I deduct that at?

01-21-2013, 09:21 AM
You can deduct business meals (food eaten out of home) on Schedule C, line 24b Deductible Meals and Entertainment. Keep a food receipt, the name(s) of the people you ate with and what you discussed. You can deduct 50% of your cost of the food.

Deduct other expenses for association activities on Schedule C, line 17 Legal and Professional Services.

Join me for a webinar “2012 Tax Changes: How to Avoid Mistakes on Your Tax Return” Tuesday, February 12th at 8:30-10:00pm Eastern Time. The cost is $25 (100% tax deductible!). To register: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e6vcrqstfc2c8437&llr=yatrx4cab