View Full Version : Am I wrong?

04-20-2009, 06:06 AM
I worked in a childcare center for almost 20 years. I finally left due to some scheduling conflicts. Well in a way I pushed out but that's another story. It was my choice to leave because being Assistant Director I was always the one who had to cover for everyone else. I could never plan things to do or go with my husband for the fear of someone calling in. Heaven forbid I ever get sick!!!
My question is this. When I did leave, many parents asked me the reason why since I was there so long. I told them the truth. I told them that I couldn't rely on scheduling and I was the one who had always stayed and gave a few examples. I said I wanted to go to college ( I do but not now) and I said in this position I cant for the fear if someone called in or had to leave I would miss my class.
Was I wrong to say this to the parents? Was I wrong to tell the parents the truth? I am asking because my former director AND coworkers want nothing to do with me. They flat out told me that they heard what I was saying and that I should leave them alone. This hurts because I was there for so long and I am being denied seeing the children that I have helped raised. Plus I only said the truth. I wasn't going to lie to the parents.
Any opinions?
P.S. I am registered with this site but I rather not list my name for fear they might read this and accuse me again!

04-21-2009, 12:03 AM
OK I understand what you're saying about not wanting to lie to them, but maybe you were being a little unprofessional there. If you had a problem with the way your schedule was, you still say it was your choice to leave. So now, you've victimized yourself to these parents who probably want to stick up for you because you made the story completely one sided. You said you wanted to go to college to these parents but then say to us not right now, which means it probably wasn't that big of a factor in your decision anyway. You've caused trouble for the other daycare staff now because you didn't take into consideration that what you were saying might upset them. Did you expect them to be happy about what you were saying, honestly? And as a general rule, you shouldn't be unburdening yourself to the parents anyway. It's only going to cause problems in the end because it sticks the parents in the middle of your disagreement. That's not a comfortable position to be in for anyone. It's just all around not a professional thing to do.

04-22-2009, 10:10 AM
I think you are ok in telling them why you left. If your answer was simple and to the point I see no problem with it. As a parent and if my child went there, I too would want to know why someone is leaving after 20 years....there usually is a reason. And if part of your reason was to go to college, it is no one's business "when" you plan to go. In no way are you obligated to give your day by day what is going to happen to the parents. An honest simple answer is all that is needed. As long as you didn't use names and were kind in how you said it, I don't think you did wrong. Maybe co workers can't handle the truth......