Thread: Venting Thread
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HappyEverAfter 08:56 AM 03-30-2018
So this isn’t a normal vent of frustration or annoyance, but of just plain sadness. I’m moving out of state and therefore closing my daycare. I won’t be doing daycare anymore because we’ve been told my husband’s new job will likely relocate us regularly. The past couple days I keep having these moments where the kids will do something adorable and knowing moments like that are numbered, my eyes just suddenly fill with tears and I have to step out of the room so the kids don’t see me upset. When I began doing daycare last July I had no idea how much I would become attached to these kids. I knew I’d enjoy having them here but had no idea the hold they would take on my heart. I do not have children of my own so honestly this quick bonding caught me by surprise. How in the world do you say goodbye to them? I have been trying to imagine how I’ll handle their last day as they get picked up and I close the door behind them and I can’t imagine being able to hold back the tears. It’s going to awful and I am so dreading it.