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Blackcat31 02:17 PM 04-03-2017
Originally Posted by trix23:
I wouldn't have much luck with him waking up early enough to do that, haha. But all good ideas. I think that the problem is that I haven't been telling him what's going on so just people just show up and supposedly on an ounce and then they have my undivided attention. I didn't really think of telling him to them then they're here but I could definitely be part of it but he's trying to get attention from me and going about it all the wrong way. I have tried sometimes to have him show the kids the sandbox or the toys or something but he's just so excited to have people over that he doesn't know that his emotions just make his brain go away for a little while and he just goes crazy. He's a good kid but sometimes his excitement gets the better of him.
Practice then.... set up mock tour (friends, family or neighbors etc) and have a 'pretend' tour.

That way you can pause and correct him when he misbehaves and pause or stop to praise or reward him for what he IS doing right.

Kids learn best when they know the expectations ahead of time, when they are dealing with an experience they are familiar with and via routine routine routine and of course practice!