Thread: Cancel That!
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Mandy 02:29 PM 07-20-2016
To OP,

It is definitely time to term this child. You have tried getting the mom on board about his behavior and it is not working. The second a kid throws chairs of any size, they would be out the door. The second a kid refuses to listen to me no matter what, even after several attempts to correct it would result in the kid being out the door. At this point, the mom needs to be there more for her son. He needs to just stay with her more and not go to daycare. You are thinking about the safety and well being of you and the other kids in your care, and at this point, he is now a safety risk. I know others have said this already, but term the kid today, and replace him with another kid asap. Don't have regrets after you do this, because you gave your best effort, and it's just not working. As for the mom's reaction, that is not your concern. The mom is responsible for her actions on how she behaves. Know that you have done everything you could.