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SD DaycareMOM 04:38 PM 01-31-2012
Originally Posted by bbo:
It is good that your are concerned, and I would say that he is developing a little slower than typical.

He does seem to be making progress, now that he is in your care. As long as he continues to show improvement, I wouldn't worry yet. His large motor skills are a bit slow, but the speech would not concern me yet.

How is his muscle tone overall? Is he "floppy"? If so, it is something to keep an eye on, but not something to worry about too much yet.

You are already giving him plenty of floor time, so that's a plus! It sounds like maybe he didn't get those things at his other caregiver. Give him challenges, like putting toys slightly out of reach, or up just above his reach. Maybe put some obstacles on the floor, like an old crib mattress, a big cardboard box to crawl through, etc. Anything that will get him moving!
I completely agree. As long as he is showing progress, I wouldn't be too concerned. If he has no interest in walking, you can also work his leg muscles by laying him on his back with feet toward your lap, and gently pushing his feet in toward his body while singing/talking to him. His reflex should be to push back against your open hand on his feet. You can also just move his legs (lying in this same position), in lots of different ways. In a bicycle motion, while singing "Wheels on the Bus", for example.