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nothingwithoutjoy 08:43 PM 04-25-2014
Oh, my goodness...I just stayed up way way past my bedtime because I got caught up in this saga. I can't believe she had the nerve to ask you to come back!!! And yet, I've had those parents. It shocks me every time--they're complete jerks, take advantage, and then think you love them and can't wait to get their kid back!

I love this:
Originally Posted by KidGrind:
*&^% @#!

I know you are not going to do this but if it were me. I would say sure _______ and __________ can come back for part-time care. The part-time registration fee is $______ <-----( Would be the six months of income I sacrificed during their time of need.)
and wish I had that nerve, but in reality, I'd probably just say "no, I'm sorry; I can't," and leave it at that. I worry about burning bridges in a way that might get around through ugly word of mouth.

I'm so sorry you got ripped off that way. Thanks for sharing the story; it helps to hear others' experiences.