Thread: Venting Thread
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amberrose3dg 09:23 AM 01-30-2018
Originally Posted by amberrose3dg:
My vent is my assistant calling out every week or every other week now. Every time a kid is "sick" she is now sick.
My son has his IEP eligibility meeting and she knew how important that was this morning. She claims her stomach hurts and went to the bathroom once.
Why are there no reliable people anymore? They are good for like 2 or 3 months and then call out on average once or twice a week?
I was lucky enough to go to his meeting. My husband and oldest daughter helped out.It was frustrating since I wanted my husband to go as well. My son by all of the standard testing is on the spectrum and will qualify for his IEP.
It is a relief because I know he needs that extra help while at school. I now have to decide what to do about my assistant. She has called out 5 times in the month of January. I am seriously considering letting some kids go so I am no longer required to have one.