Thread: Covid Vaccine?
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Ariana 05:04 PM 12-13-2020
I am really happy it’s an mRNA vaccine because it means my body is making it and it’s not material being injected into me. The people who had allergic reactions are the same people who have anaphylactoid allergies to things like peanuts or going with some peoples logic they should stop eating peanuts and eggs because some people react to it? The body sometimes reacts stupidly to SAFE things. My own child reacted negatively to a vaccine!

I recently watched a 4 hour documentary on Frontline about the AIDS pandemic and it is eerily similar to this one. At first they knew nothing about it but then slowly started learning more and’s not that the information kept changing it’s that the information kept evolving as researcher learned more about the disease. I am glad it changed and evolved. There were protestors out against kids going to school because people are stupid and science hadn’t caught up yet. We know more about COVID now then we did, that’s progress and shouldn’t be seen as “science doesn’t know because it changes”. The AIDS pandemic also became really political which is sad because many politicians in the world tried to distance themselves from it and listened to “conspiracy theorists” and did nothing (especially in South Africa the hardest hit). Anyway I am rambling but it was really neat to see how much better we are doing this time around to be honest!