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Cat Herder 01:08 PM 04-27-2021
Building and Grounds


To ensure that the indoor environment provides adequate space for children’s growth and development through exploration, freedom of movement, etc. To ensure that the physical environment is conducive to the health and safety of children, and to promote a sense of well-being for children and staff.


Young children relate to the world through their bodies and their senses, and they require space in which to learn by moving and doing. The size of the play space influences how children behave in a child care setting. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, crowding reduces the ability to control the spread of infection. Crowding can also have a negative effect on children’s activities and state of mind. Inadequate space can lead to aggressive, destructive and unfocused behavior. In addition, the risk of injury from accidents rises when children have insufficient play space. Children’s behavior is more positive when the environment includes enough space for them to participate in developmentally appropriate activities.

Children should be housed in open, well-ventilated areas from which a quick evacuation can be made in case of fire or other emergency. Exits should be kept clear of equipment and furniture to allow for children’s safe evacuation from the Home.

Indicators (for the inspectors )

✓ Observe the areas of the Home used by children to ensure at least 35 square feet of usable floor space per child is available.

✓ Observe basement or other areas below ground level if used as an activity area for children. Measure to ensure compliance with the rule requirements.

✓ Observe the placement of toys, equipment, and furniture in the Home. Check to ensure these items do not block the emergency exits as noted on the Home’s emergency plan.