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Sunshine69 06:33 AM 08-28-2020
Enough with the ridiculous regulations already!

I wish the folks who come up with these ideas would spend just one whole day providing childcare while implementing the regulations they come up with.

I haven’t seen anything in my state yet like the new regs OP posted but I’m sure if they’re starting somewhere it’s just a matter of time.

I love the “go to” answers and the expressions on the licensors faces when I ask for clarification on some rules. The way the supervision rules are written, they don’t allow for a caregiver to use the bathroom, ever. C’mon people, you gotta know we have to be allowed to use the bathroom. They’re answer is “It’s up to you to figure out how to make it work”. The equivalent of putting their hands over their ears and singing “La La La La La La”. It’s like I’m either supposed to hire another person and pay them minimum wage (more than I make in this business) should I need to use the bathroom so I can stay within the supervision ratio at any given time of the day. Or I can take a crowd of kids into the bathroom with me so I can supervise them at the same time? I don’t want my child observing their caregiver in the bathroom. Sounds like criminal charges to me.

We must have a working monitor on in any room children sleep in, check on them every 15 minutes and leave the door between rooms open. Fire code says to close the doors. My babies who require 2 naps a day sleep in a room next to the daycare playroom. I can hear the sleeping babies better without the monitor amplifying the noise from the older kids playing outside the babies room. But nope, not allowed to use my common sense and judgement as an experienced parent. Gotta follow rules that make no sense.

I’m thinking the proposed regulation of having to sit within arm’s reach at meals coincides with the family-style meals the food program had been promoting before Coronavirus. Makes no sense with little ones. I hardly have time to sit when I make dinner for adult guests and they are self-sufficient. I’m not a fan of family-style meals for daycare. Having my own child with severe food allergies, it’s too easy for another child to cause cross-contamination of a dish by accidentally using their own utensils for serving instead of the serving utensils.

It’s a shame the actual caregivers aren’t consulted on their opinions of appropriate regulations.