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SunshineMama 06:42 AM 06-25-2014
I am a nursing mom of 3 who ebf all 3. I pumped exclusively with baby 1 while working outside the home. I quit work with baby 2 and started a daycare, and ebf both. I suggest that you pump as often as possible, and supply the extra milk requested if at all able. It sounds like a lot of milk, but who is to say that the baby isn't going through a growth spurt? Are you feeding at night still? I would continue night feeds, and nurse in the am. Pump after you nurse, and throughout the day. The more you pump the more milk you will produce over time. Oatmeal helps with production, wheat beer, mothers milk tea, and lots of water. Good luck mama, it's hard! And you aren't defeated if you have to supplement. Even a drip of breathing is better than nothing.