Thread: Biting! AUGH!
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Christian Mother 01:28 PM 09-19-2011
I have a little guy who turns 2 tomorrow. He was my little biter for a while. He bit for a few months before he stopped completely. It's the age...when he started he was 1 1/'s was mostly out of frustration and teething. He talks quiet a bit better now then he did then so he can very much communicate. The child he would bit liked to get into his personal space also so he did provoke this child but we teach "NO BITING" for any reason. As all daycares do. When there was a bit he wasn't just put in time out. Even though I was always very close to the children it never really mattered bc when there close to each other and facing each other sometimes you just can't see what is exactly going on and it's lightening fast!! I will show the child that bit the owie and then show the child that this child he/she bit is crying bc there hurt...OWIE!! So they get that there in pain. Then that child will be put in a play pen for time out bc there was no escaping the play pen or being able to flip around or play. The children would try and sneak toys or sit beside them out of sympathy. So this was a form of punishment that works for me as they don't like to be insulated from the others. They get that they did something they shouldn't. It happened one other time and left a red ring and this time I ashually was like you and grabbed the little the little one around the waste quickly but it didn't prevent him from not latching. The red ring disappeared at the end of the day but I did talk to both parents. Thank goodness that both parents where good about it and on top of it and helping me at home. The mom who's son was bit those 2 times was also a teacher. They are very layed back though and understood about what happened. That def. helps when you have parents that are understanding and don't blow up over every little things. What I would do is call the parent who's child bit and let her know that her son bit again. Let her know exactly what happened and what you have been doing there to try preventing it and then call the other parent to let them know also. There are some great treads on here on biters that can help you also. My son when he was 3 was a biter. He bit at daycare a couple of times and the last time he bit the daycare called me and had me come and pick him up bc he drew blood when he bit. It was bad and I was very my son but I felt completely awful for this little girl that was bit. My son was suspended from school for 2 days for biting. He was young but old enough to know that that was a no no. At 3 they def. get it...when daddy got home daddy bit him on the arm hard enough for him to feel the pressure and told him NO BITING...and he cried bc he know hurts!! Def. not hard enough to leave a mark on him but enough that his eyes popped out of his head and yelled OWIE!! Guess biting...that was the end of!!