Thread: 4 Yr Old Bully
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Ariana 06:20 PM 07-18-2019
Originally Posted by Cat Herder:
I may not be able to do that much longer as I am being asked to take new training that says being kicked out of preschool is what leads kids to prison. Not the behavior that got them kicked out, but us kicking them out. I hope I read it wrong. Facepalm
Impulse control problems lead to prison and yes kids getting kicked out of preschool does not help the situation because for some of them we are all they have. I worked with a kid two days a week for over a year and when he went to school it undid everything I had worked on because of lack of supervision, lack of teachers ability to give consequences and a parent who didn’t give a hoot.

If we as teachers/educators/carers are responsible for so much and for sending a kid to prison then why the hell don’t we have any power to refer? Assess? Give real consequences? They blame us for everything but we have no power to actually do anything. Every one of us knows what needs to be done but rarely can we do it. We come up against a brick wall called parents and BS policies.