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Sunchimes 08:24 PM 10-17-2014
I'm late to the post and see that you have a solution. Many decades ago, I worked at an insurance complany and we used Dictaphones which went to a typing pool, since this was before computers. You know, back in the Dark Ages. Anyway, we had to use the punctuation and spaces and caps. I don't remember it leaking into my speech very much, but it lodged in my brain. Even know, as I type or write, it happens in my head. In my head just now, I was saying "...w-r-i-t-e comma i-t-space h-a-p-p-e-n-s space i-n-space m-y space h-e-a-dperiod. Capital I....." IT's been almost 40 years and I still think that way. So yes, it does lodge in your brain forever.