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Ariana 11:14 AM 04-04-2018
Originally Posted by mamamanda:
Thank you everyone. You've made me feel a little better about things. This strep is really kicking my butt. I start to feel better & then the fever returns. I'm closed again today. My throat hurts terribly & I try to get up & clean things/spray the area I've been sitting on, etc & within about 3 min I'm back on the couch. What in the world? I need some energy back!

I'm going to try to air out the house & Lysol everything later today.
If it is any consolation I didn’t do that and no one else got it besides me and I caught it from my daughter who got it at school. I got it from her because I was the one taking care of her of course!! Just make sure every cough is covered and you wash your hands.
