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jen 07:39 PM 10-03-2012
Originally Posted by Willow:
Thanks for the civil back and forth, I love talking about this kind of stuff

1. A direct result of the Affordable Care Act (Obama care). I'm not sure how you can say that doesn't have to do with Obama.

"Coverage for Young Adults: Under the Affordable Care Act, young adults under age 26 can stay on their parent’s health insurance plan until age 26 – a change that has already allowed 3.1 million young adults to get health coverage and given their families peace of mind."

While the idea that it's helping your individual family specifically right now is I'm sure a reassuring one, are you aware of who PPACA is coming at the expense of?
\Actually, I wrote a giant-a** paper on health care in this country, I am well educated on this point. Providing, insisting even, that people have insurance is a good investment...and MUCH less expensive than covering the uninsured. People still get the ER and when a simple cold is now pnuemonia and requires hospitalization. People with health insurance seek care earlier and are healthier.

2. I don't know your personal housing situation but we were able to refinance under the Making Homes Affordable program. I thank President Obama for that program.

Making Homes Affordable was as backward as a program could be.

Your family may have been helped temporarily, but my children's children's children are going to be paying back the BILLIONS of dollars needed to bail out those lenders (GMAC, CitiMortgage etc).

And this is exactly the problem with America's economy today. It was spritzing a garden hose on an oil rig fire. It's a fix for today, and only today, and only for a select number of the expense of millions of people generations down the road.

The banks were bailed out and some of the TARP funds were used to prevent forclosures. Many banks have already paid back their TARP funds.

3. Again, I don't know your personal student loan situatin. I do know that under President Obama's student loan overhaul, payments are capped at 10% of income rather than 15; at 20 years unpaid balances are forgiven as opposed to 25 years and 10 years for pubic service employees.

So who ultimately pays the final bill for all of those unpaid forgiven balances?

And if they're capped and people are paying less on them isn't that going to push more into having their balances forgiven too?

I addressed this in a couple of other posts but the general deal is that college grads generally earn more and pay in more. Investing in our students is an investment our future.

4. Yes, he really did say to let the auto industry tank; fortunately he isn't the president so that didn't happen.

People took a single sentence and and fluffed it up to epic and ridiculous proportions.

Obama did EXACTLY what Romney suggested, and look at what happened.

It is the only economic success Obama has had during his term and it wasn't even his to claim.


5. Yes, he really suggested that the foclosure process proceed. Fortunately, again, he was not in power.

That's not what he said. He suggested we let it run it's course, yes, but only to avoid, once again, adding to our skyrocketing federal deficit and tanking economy.

The program was designed to help 4 million people avoid foreclosure......but do you know how many it actually did?

1I am aware that the program was designed to help many more people than it did

Last I checked 25% is not a passing grade.

And again, at who's expense did this occur?

It's a program my children's children's children are going to someday still be paying for.

I may have lost my home but at least my kids and theirs aren't going to have to pay for it.

6. I understand that his 13% is bigger than mine.

The above is all that matters. Ack! I am not good at this editing thing! I missed the whole bottom of your post. Sorry. As for the above being all that matters. I understand that is your opinion, and I respectfully disagree. It is not all that matters to me.

The reason why many (notice I didn't say all) people don't care to get off their duffs and work to pay for what they have and want is because in this country people that try harder and accomplish more are expected to pick up their slack.

IMHO, people that accomplish more and contribute more deserve some credit for that.

7. I don't want his religious issues in my government.

Agree with you there.

And I already gave one example of how Obamas preferences are treading all over mine.


OK...I am in the final few months of my master's program and I have to do a discussion question before I hit the sack. Good night! I enjoyed our chat.