Thread: Gay Marriage
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sammie 07:49 AM 04-02-2013
Originally Posted by Country Kids:
I have mulled over posting on this thread but something in the back of my mind keeps bring this up and reading it.

I am a Christian and strive on a daily basis to follow the Lord and do what I feel is right.

Gay marriage I feel is not right and was not instituted to be between two people of the same sex. It is to be between a man and a woman. There are many,many places in the BIBLE that says this. No where does it say its ok for to people of the same sex to be married. No where-whether legal or not.

Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed because of the homosexuality going on in the city for one of the bigger examples in the BIBLE. It talks on how it is wrong in the New Testament as well. It is condemed throughout the entire Bible.

If God wanted people of the same sex to be married/together, I feel thats who he would have put on the earth first-not a man and a woman. If he had put to people on the earth of the same sex, guess what there would have been no more population! It would have stopped right there.

I also do not like how churches are suddenly OK with the whole issue because of the fear they are being put through. Nothing has changed in the BIBLE, its still the same now as it was in the beginning. I feel sometimes Christians go along with the flow because we are tired of the fight. We also, have had many things taken away from us but if we go against the grain we are instantly "Haters".

God doesn't make something that he considers "sinful". We all have choices in how we live our life. We have a right choice and a wrong choice. We have a choice to commit sin or not.

No where in the Bible does it say you have to be married in a church building to be considered married. This is again something that has been added to different religions. In fact there were no Church Buildings in the Bible. The church is actually the body of people that attend the church-the assembly. So to say you aren't married unless married in the church is not even correct. Saying you aren't married unless you were to be married in the church building would be correct. I find no mention of where a person is to be married in order to be considered married. In the BIBLE, Christians met in homes of each other and some do that to this day.

Alot is taken away and added to the Bible by man to make life easier for us. God did take quiet a bit away himself from the Old Testament to the New Testament. Because I believe something is wrong because of my faith doesn't make me a hater. Every day I see things that are wrong in our world that are slowly becoming the norm and at the end of the day, I have to look back and think did I do everything I could to make this a better world the way I was taught, raised and believe in.
I too have been mulling over posting on this thread but wasn't quite sure how to put my thoughts into words. Very well said CK!!