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knoxmomof2 06:46 AM 05-01-2019
Like others have said, you have to decide how badly you want Fridays off and go from there. It may cost you this family since this was not discussed before they hired you. It wouldn't be wrong of them to decide it won't work for them, just like if they asked you to open early--it wouldn't be wrong of you to refuse.

Then again, I've had the "I'll have to see if that change will work for us" thrown at me before. I changed drop off and pick up to a side entrance, which took away the audience for my 2 chatty parents. I was actually told by one of the dcm's that they might have to change providers over it. I just said, "you do what is best for your family, I'm doing what is best for mine." They stayed on for 2 more years until the dcg went on to Junior Kindergarten. Quietest 2 years of my life! 😁 I loved it! Haha... So, be willing to lose them and you might or might not. Just be prepared to take a stand if it's that important to you.