Thread: Child led
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MrsSteinel'sHouse 10:46 AM 02-12-2015
That is what I "worry" about. That they won't give me things to explore. This was obviously generated by my 5 year old.
But, I was thinking little girls are really loving the cutting food so maybe something with that. I am contemplating. But this covered them too. 18 mo loves the itsy bitsy spider so the spider page has had us doing that all day. They also love the magnifying glasses. So it wasn't like they were left out.

Heidi I will write out exactly what I placed out etc

Here are the standards we covered doing this-

Domain: Social Emotional Development
Strand: Self
Topic: Sense of Competence
Young Toddlers (6-18 months)
Show a sense of satisfaction when making things happen.
Older Toddlers (16 - 36 months)
Recognize own abilities and express satisfaction when demonstrating them to others.
Pre-Kindergarten (3 - 5 years) Show confidence in own abilities and accomplish routine and familiar tasks independently.

Topic: Interactions with Adults
Young Toddlers (6-18 months)
Participate in routines and experiences that involve back and forth interaction with familiar adults.
Older Toddlers (16 - 36 months)
Interact with familiar adults in a variety of ways.
Seek assistance from familiar adults.
Pre-Kindergarten (3 - 5 years)
Engage in extended, reciprocal conversations with familiar adults.
Request and accept guidance from familiar adults.

Domain: Approaches toward Learning
Strand: Initiative
Topic: Initiative and Curiosity
Young Toddlers (6-18 months)
Explore the environment through a variety of sensory-motor activity.
Practice new skills with enthusiasm.
Older Toddlers (16 - 36 months)
Experiment in the environment with purpose.
Ask questions to gain information.
Pre-Kindergarten (3 - 5 years)
Demonstrate self-direction while participating in a range of activities and routines.
Ask questions to seek explanations about phenomena of interest.

Topic: Planning, Action and Reflection
Young Toddlers (6-18 months)
Approach tasks with repeated trial and error.
Older Toddlers (16 - 36 months)
Make choices to achieve a desired goal.
Use previous learning to inform new experiences with people and objects in their environment.
Pre-Kindergarten (3 - 5 years)
Develop, initiate and carry out simple plans to obtain a goal. Use prior knowledge and information to assess, inform, and plan for future actions and learning.

Strand: Engagement and Persistence
Topic: Attention
Young Toddlers (6-18 months)
Focus on an activity but is easily distracted.
Older Toddlers (16 - 36 months)
Focus on an activity for short periods of time despite distractions
Pre-Kindergarten (3 - 5 years)
Focus on an activity with deliberate concentration despite distractions.

Topic: Persistence
Pre-Kindergarten (3 - 5 years)
Carry out tasks, activities, projects or experiences from beginning to end.

Strand Creativity
Topic Innovation and Invention
Young Toddlers (6-18 months)
Use objects in new ways.
Older Toddlers (16 - 36 months)
Use materials in new and unconventional ways.
Pre-Kindergarten (3 - 5 years)
Use imagination and creativity to interact with objects and materials.
Use creative and flexible thinking to solve problems.

Topic: Expression of Ideas and Feelings through the Arts
Young Toddlers (6-18 months)
Seek out experiences with a variety of materials and art materials based on preferences and past experiences.
Older Toddlers (16 - 36 months)
Use self-selected materials and media to express ideas and feelings.
Pre-Kindergarten (3 - 5 years)
Express individuality, life experiences, and what he/she knows and is able to do through a variety of media. Express interest in and show appreciation for the creative work of others.

Physical Well-Being and Motor Development
Strand: Motor Development
Topic: Small Muscle: Touch Grasp, Reach, Manipulate
Young Toddlers (6-18 months)
Use both hands together to accomplish a task.
Older Toddlers (16 - 36 months)
Coordinate the use of arms, hands and fingers to accomplish tasks.
Pre-Kindergarten (3 - 5 years)
Coordinate the use of hands, fingers and wrists to manipulate objects and perform tasks requiring precise movements. Use classroom and household tools independently with eye-hand coordination to carry out activities.

Domain: Cognition and General Knowledge
Strand: Cognitive Skills
Topic: Memory
Young Toddlers (6-18 months)
Anticipate the beginning and ending of activities, songs and stories.
Older Toddlers (16 - 36 months)
Recall information over a longer period of time without contextual cues
Pre-Kindergarten (3 - 5 years)
Communicate about past events and anticipate what comes next during familiar routines and experiences. With modeling and support remember and use information for a variety of purposes. Recreate complex ideas, events/situations with personal adaptations.

Topic: Symbolic Thought
Pre-Kindergarten (3 - 5 years)
Demonstrate understanding that symbols carry meaning and use symbols to represent thinking (e.g., drawings, construction or movement).

Topic: Reasoning and Problem-Solving
Young Toddlers (6-18 months)
With modeling and support, use simple strategies to solve problems.
Older Toddlers (16 - 36 months)
In familiar situations, solve problems without having to try every possibility, while avoiding solutions that clearly will not work.
Pre-Kindergarten (3 - 5 years)
Demonstrate ability to solve everyday problems based upon past experience. Solve problems by planning and carrying out a sequence of actions
Seek more than one solution to a question, problem or task. Explain reasoning for the solution selected.

Sub-Domain: Mathematics
Strand: Number Sense
Topic: Number Sense and Counting
Young Toddlers (6-18 months)
Pay attention to quantities when interacting with objects.
Older Toddlers (16 - 36 months)
Show understanding that numbers represent quantity and demonstrate understanding of words that identify how much. Use number words to indicate the quantity in small sets of objects (e.g., 2, 3), and begin counting aloud.
Pre-Kindergarten (3 - 5 years)
Identify without counting small quantities of up to 3 items. (Subitize) Demonstrate one-to-one correspondence when counting objects up to 10. Understand that the last number spoken tells the number of objects counted. Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than or equal to the number of objects in another group up to 10

Strand: Algebra
Topic: Group and Categorize
Older Toddlers (16 - 36 months)
Sort objects into two or more groups by their properties and uses.
Pre-Kindergarten (3 - 5 years)
Sort and classify objects by one or more attributes (e.g., size, shape).

Topic: Data Analysis
Pre-Kindergarten (3 - 5 years)
Collect data by categories to answer simple questions.

Sub-Domain: Science
Strand: Science Inquiry and Application
Topic: Inquiry
Young Toddlers (6-18 months)
Try different things with objects to see what happens or how things work. Observe the physical and natural world around them.
Older Toddlers (16 - 36 months)
Engage in sustained and complex manipulation of objects. Engage in focused observations of objects and events in the environment. Ask questions about objects and events in the environment. With modeling and support, use simple tools to explore the environment.
Pre-Kindergarten (3 - 5 years)
Explore objects, materials and events in the environment. Make careful observations. Pose questions about the physical and natural environment. Engage in simple investigations. Describe, compare, sort, classify, and order. Record observations using words, pictures, charts, graphs, etc. Use simple tools to extend investigation. Make inferences, generalizations and explanations based on evidence. Share findings, ideas and explanations (may be correct or incorrect) through a variety of methods (e.g., pictures, words, dramatization).

Strand: Life Science
Topic: Explorations of Living Things
Pre-Kindergarten (3 - 5 years)
With modeling and support, identify physical characteristics and simple behaviors of living things. With modeling and support, identify and explore the relationship between living things and their environments (e.g., habitats, food, eating habits, etc.). With modeling and support, demonstrate knowledge of body parts and bodily processes (e.g., eating, sleeping, breathing, walking) in humans and other animals.

Domain: Language and Literacy Development
Strand: Listening and Speaking
Topic: Receptive Language and Comprehension
Young Toddlers (6-18 months)
Show understanding of simple requests and statements referring to people and objects around him/her.
Older Toddlers (16 - 36 months)
Show understanding of requests and statements referring to people, objects, ideas and feelings. Demonstrate interest in and use words that are new or unfamiliar in conversation and play. Understand when words are used in unconventional ways.
Pre-Kindergarten (3 - 5 years)
Demonstrate understanding of increasingly complex concepts and longer sentences. Ask meaning of words. Follow two-step directions or requests.

Topic: Expressive Language
Young Toddlers (6-18 months)
Begin to use single words and conventional gestures to communicate with others.
Older Toddlers (16 - 36 months)
Combine words to express more complex ideas, or requests. With modeling and support, describe experiences with people, places and things. Use words that indicate position and direction.
Pre-Kindergarten (3 - 5 years)
Use language to communicate in a variety of ways with others to share observations, ideas and experiences; problem-solve, reason, predict and seek new information. Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings and ideas clearly. (Articulation) Describe familiar people, places, things and experiences. Use drawings or other visuals to add details to verbal descriptions. With modeling and support, use words acquired through conversations and shared reading experiences. (Vocabulary) With modeling and support, determine the meanings of unknown words/concepts using the context of conversations, pictures that accompany text or concrete objects. (Vocabulary) Identify real-life connections between words and their use. (Vocabulary)

Topic: Social Communication
Young Toddlers (6-18 months)
Participate in and often initiate basic communications with family members or familiar others.
Older Toddlers (16 - 36 months)
Participate in and often initiate communication according to commonly accepted expectations with family members and in social groups.
Pre-Kindergarten (3 - 5 years)
With modeling and support follow typical patterns when communicating with others (e.g., listens to others, takes turns talking and speaks about the topic or text being discussed). With modeling and support, continue a conversation through multiple exchanges.

Topic: Reading Comprehension
Pre-Kindergarten (3 - 5 years)
With modeling and support, identify the topic of an informational text that has been read aloud. With modeling and support, describe, categorize and compare and contrast information in informational text.

Topic: Print Concepts
Pre-Kindergarten (3 - 5 years)
Demonstrate an understanding that print carries meaning.

Topic: Writing Process
Pre-Kindergarten (3 - 5 years)
With modeling and support show awareness that one letter or cluster of letters represents one word.

Topic: Writing Application and Composition
Pre-Kindergarten (3 - 5 years)
With modeling and support, use a combination of drawing, dictating and emergent writing to tell a story, to express ideas, and to share information about an experience or topic of interest. (Composition) With modeling and support, discuss and respond to questions from others about writing/drawing.