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kendallina 10:25 AM 09-21-2018
I have centers set up-dramatic play, books, blocks, art, sensory table and two centers that rotate (i.e. writing center, discovery table, etc).

During free play, an hour in the morning and from 3pm until pick up, they can play wherever they want. They are expected to clean up before moving to another area. If they are having a difficult time in a certain center (following rules, etc) then I'll choose a center for them.

They spend 15 minutes in morning meeting, 20 in group time, 20 in circle time and I figure that's enough of me controlling their minds and movements. They're little. It's an important skill for them to be allowed and able to make their own choices and change their choice if they want.

If children are missing skills because they don't visit a certain center then either I 'beef up' the center to make it more appealing or provide activities to give them that skill another way.

I do struggle sometimes with this, though. There are times throughout the year where kids have a favorite center or two and I consider another way to do this but in the end I know they are young and need less structure in their play, not more. I also worry about the shortening of attention spans.

I love seeing them really engrossed in what they're doing and I don't feel they can be fully creative and 'lost' in their play when there is too much structure or limited time.

I also feel like children need time and space to be bored. It's usually after a period of 'boredom' that we become our most creative. And I worry with too much moving around and structure they will miss that free, creative boredom! Lol