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MamaBear 08:49 PM 09-13-2013
Constant runny noses drive me insane. Especially when they have the bubble coming out the nose. ICK!

This is what I have in my contract regarding illnesses:

It is my hope to keep the daycare home and children as germ free and sick free as possible, so please do not bring your child to the daycare if he or she has a contagious illness. You cannot bring them to the daycare home until they have been cleared by a doctor stating that they are no longer contagious and that they can be around other children (Usually 24 hours after antibiotic treatment has begun and/or 24 hours after symptoms have subsided).

If your child has a contagious illness, they cannot come to the daycare until:
1. They have been cleared by a doctor stating that they are no longer contagious and are clear to be around other children (Usually 24-48 hours after antibiotic treatment has begun and/or 24-48 hours after symptoms have subsided: Depending on the illness).
2. When I, the Daycare Provider, give the final “ok” for the child to return to the daycare, per my own daycare policies.

If your child is ill over a weekend or when away from the daycare, please be sure to let me know so that I can be aware in case the other children have possibly been exposed to a contagious illness.

If your child has a sibling (that is not enrolled in my daycare) and they are diagnosed with a contagious illness, please let me know so that I can be aware in case your child (who is enrolled in the daycare) starts to show symptoms. Sometimes it takes a few days before symptoms show up depending on the diagnosis, so you will need to keep a close eye on your child and use your best judgment to determine if they indeed have it as well. I strongly advise that you have the child (who is enrolled in my daycare) also evaluated by a doctor along with their sibling, to be sure that they do not have the same illness.

If I, the Daycare Provider, feel that your child is too sick to be at the daycare, I will call you to pick up your child ASAP. If your child has a fever of 100º or higher, I will be calling you to pick up your child ASAP. Your child must be picked up within that hour that I call notifying you of the illness.

Your child must be fever free for a minimum of 24 hours before returning to the daycare. For example, if your child has a fever at noon at the daycare and is sent home, he cannot return to the daycare the next day. If his fever breaks the next day while he is home, he may return the following day. The child must be fever free to return to daycare. This means fever free without the aid of a fever reducing substance.

Giving your child Tylenol or any other fever reducing medication to reduce the fever before arriving to daycare in the morning is unacceptable because the fever will be masked for a couple hours but will reappear once again and the child will still have to be sent home. Also by medicating your child without notifying me gives the risk of your child being overdosed on fever reducing medication. This could happen if you give him Tylenol and do not notify me and then I also give him Tylenol not knowing you already did ~ this could cause an overdose.

Examples of Illnesses where children cannot come to daycare:
These are just "examples" of known illnesses of when your child needs to stay out of daycare. Each individual case is different & may require more or less time out ~ but will always require a doctor’s note stating that the child is well & non-contagious in order to return to daycare. If you feel that your child is sick with a contagious illness, please verify with a doctor that your child is clear to come to daycare before bringing him/her to the daycare. This is for the protection of your child, all other daycare children present and the daycare provider.

I hope maybe that helps