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Laurel 03:10 PM 11-06-2013
Originally Posted by ihop:
So I have a 6month old dcb that I posted about a while ago. He wouldn't nap unless you held him. All of you suggested sleep training. Mom was in board zinc he is up all night and never naps.

After a week of screaming, he finally started napping on his own. So I move him back to the main area.

Fast forward over the weekend, and he has suddenly stopped napping.

I keep trying but to no avail. Well, come to find out, she has given up on sleep training and is now co-sleeping!!!!!

Right now I can MAYBE get two half hour naps out of him. Usually only one.

He needs to be held constantly awake or asleep.

It is making me miserable. I work 12hrs/day and don't have time to eat or think. I also have a 3 month old who never is held because I am always holding other baby.

If I leave him in the exersaucer or on the mat to cry, the other kids just repeat over and over r is crying. That's even more annoying.

How do I talk to mom about it, without insulting her parenting or telling her what to do?
Why not just tell her what you told us?

Tell her he only takes short naps and needs to be held all the time. This doesn't allow you to hold the other baby and that is not fair to that baby. Also, how the kiddies keep telling you over and over that her baby is crying so it is stressing them out as well.

Tell her that the sleep training was working but now that she is not doing it anymore you're not sure what to do. I might put it like "I can't let this stress everyone out. I have to do what is best for all the children. Do you think you can go back to the sleep training or do you think maybe someone who could come to your house would work out better? I would hate it if you would leave but I also can't ignore the other children. You see my dilemma?"
