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MotherNature 06:40 PM 01-29-2014
I let them know that we are a very pro breastfeeding place. They will be seeing my breasts at some point, as will their kids. I tell them this during interview. I make no effort to cover up, and neither do the moms here. All my dcks have been breastfed, and many until toddler/preschoolhood. I nurse my 3 year old still. I try and get a little more discreet around the dads, and not flop out or anything, but just so they're not uncomfortable, because I don't deal with the dads as much as the moms usually.
The older kids would ask if so and so is having milk and then when I said yes, they'd toddle off. That's about it. Moms nurse here at pickup and drop off, and we chat.