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mismatchedsocks 12:02 PM 12-15-2011
Try this for rainy days with school agers.

Have races. One idea is to start everyone in the same place. Get stop watch, most cell phones have them. Tell them one at a time they willl have to touch 3 doorknobs, knock on 2 doors, find and work a kiddie puzzle of 24 pieces, and do 25 jumping jacks and give all the littles high fives. Maybe one of them can write it down, one can do stop watch etc. Then they can root each other on, remind each other what to do, etc. SOon after you start this "race" they may make up their own.

scavenger hunts. I have lists made up for inside days/outside days and give them to the kids when they are getting antsy. For example one yellow ribbon, farm animal, stuffed animal, one red lego, a book about bunnies, a movie with "the" in the title, etc.