Thread: Okay Snack?
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Baby Beluga 12:56 PM 01-29-2019
Originally Posted by Cat Herder:
I know. Luckily it is a new enough issue for it to not have hit here (rural area) too much. I have only had one "possible" nut allergy in all my years. I did go nut-free for them while they went through testing. That child was cleared by age 2 and her mother who had been diagnosed in another state in childhood also tested negative, after her child's test. She was bent. They have been making up for lost time at a record pace ever since.

Here the bigger issue is kids being overfed/malnourished with accompanying anemia (Iron-Deficiency Anemia). Kids drinking too much cows milk preventing absorption from the already limited intake from too much fast food and carb only diets.

For anyone I have confused: "Toddlers can run into problems if they drink too much cow's milk (more than 24 ounces a day) and eat fewer iron-rich foods, like red meat and green leafy vegetables. Cow’s milk is not a good source of iron. In fact, milk makes it harder for the body to absorb iron and can contribute to iron-deficiency anemia."
The nut issue is big here. But we neighbor California, so a lot of weird things are becoming issues here

I totally understand and empathize with true allergies. They can be scary. But the others who think they have an allergy but don't want to go through the testing process to confirm/deny...nah. If you're not concerned enough to be tested, why should I be concerned?

I had a child enroll a while back. Mom is allergic to nuts so she was cautious about her child eating them and asked that I avoid giving them to child. Mom said she was going to get child tested but just couldn't bear to have child poked with needles.... okay, no worries. My allergen form from the doc will solve that problem. Gave mom the form will all of the required information on it:

What child’s food allergies are.
Date the allergy was diagnosed.
What symptoms child experiences if exposed to a food allergen.
What steps need to be taken should child be exposed to a food allergen.

Form needed to be filled out and signed by the child's regular pediatrician.

Pedi wrote on his prescription pad "Child does not have food or other allergies and has never tested positive for them. Avoidance of certain foods is not necessary. Should child have a surprise reaction, child can take X dose of children's benedryl." I laughed so hard when I read that note. Solved THAT problem!

Don't even get me started on the cow milk issue...
Kids are given so much darn milk it's ridiculous.