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SilverSabre25 05:18 AM 09-07-2012
Originally Posted by Meyou:
Try asking them to find a type of toy instead of "that toy right there" and then prompt them with leading questions.

Bobby, please go find blocks for the bucket.
Suzy, please go find books today for the book rail.
Sally, you can find the cars today.
Bobby, I see more blocks by the dollhouse. Can you find them?
Suzy, I know that Sally was reading in the hallway. Are there books out there?
Sally, did you look under the playpen for cars?

My 15 month olds pick up with these types of instructions and by the time they're 2.5 they are little playroom picking up machines. I have to prompt alot but they catch on fairly quickly.
heh that's what I do now. This post is over a year old; interesting looking at the ages I had...I'm not sure who all they were!