Thread: 2.5yo hitting
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gracepatiencelove 05:27 PM 01-08-2014
I have a 2.5 yo for 6-9 hours a day, three days a week. The first two weeks he was here he was the sweetest little angel. Now (since last week) he has been screaming in my face ("NO!" "Stop it!") and hitting me (or, if I am not close enough, hitting whatever else - but not other children at all, ever, even when they are close ).

The first day I redirected. I told him gentle hands. I showed him how to be gentle. I ignored the yelling and answered his even-toned requests/statements. No change. The second day, I decided it wasn't just a bad day and I immediately started putting him in time out. This kid has since been in time out like 4-6x a day. It's driving me BONKERS because I have to be right there to tell him no he can't get up, he's in time out, no he can't sneak toys out from under his shirt he is in time out.

I think a LOT of it is stemming from suddenly he wouldn't nap here (coinciding with outbursts). I JUST finally said enough is enough and let him scream for 20 minutes and then he slept for 2.5 hours.

So, here are my questions.

1.) How can I get him to stop hitting me?
2.) How can I get him to stop screaming in my face if I don't let him do something like throw toys? (The screaming is inevitably followed by him smacking me.)
3.) Is it appropriate to say, "okay, you need a break!" and put him in a high chair with crayons/paper or playdoh? Or is that too much like rewarding his behavior?
4.) Is it wrong to let 2 yos cry it out? I mean, clearly, he was exhausted. But I felt SO BAD, but it wasn't even real crying - the second I opened the door to check on him, he would stop. So at what age do you just let them cry it out? And for how long? And how do you tell the parents without sounding like a heartless person?