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relamas 10:53 PM 03-11-2010
My two year old has been going to a certain daycare since November, lets call that daycare "Tots-Play". Since he is two he was put into the 2 year old class, which I was fine with. I don't know if it was the teacher or maybe the other children...but he came home crying every day and did not want to go back. I talked to the owner and he said that he would move my son up to the next classroom, because he feels that my son is not being challenged enough and gets bored, that's why he cries. My son wasn't potty trained yet so we had to work on that, in the 3 year old room the kids are potty trained. So, we've been working on that and my son is doing wonderful! He even sleeps with "big boy underwear" on at night with no accidents. The teacher that was in his new class was a girl that I went to school with so everything was fine, I had no problems from the DD and would recommend it to anyone looking in the area. I had no complaints, and he was very happy to go back to see Ms. Jessika. I was informed by the teacher (Ms. Jesskia) that they were getting a new afternoon teacher, which was okay stuff happens (and I know how turn around rates are). My son started hitting but very little. I never found out why it happened,...but when he would tell me that someone hit him "Chase hit me with a block in my head" the teacher (afternoon teacher) knew nothing about it. The DC began to tell me more frequently that he was hitting and bitting, they were even calling home about it like he was in regular school (I didn't mind that, if he gets in trouble then he needs to be disciplined correctly). I never got to meet her (I don't pick my child up from daycare my sister does because of work schedule), a while later Ms. Jesskia told me again that they were getting a new afternoon teacher. I began to wonder....and then a little while later down the line she said that she was being moved to the 4 year old room and that someone was replacing her. There was never a note sent out or nothing, it was just a mention.

The next morning when I take my son to school I met the new teacher. I wasn't too fond of her. She seemed very young (not that young people are bad, I'm 21) and unknowing. I had dropped him off that whole week and every time I seen her she was different than all the other teachers that were there (everyone, even teachers that aren't in your child's class or in direct contact with them, know you by name and say hi and bye everyday) sorta of in a rude manner. She didn't seem like she wanted to be there, like it was just a paycheck. I let a few more days go by, figuring that I am over reacting and she just needs to get used to everything and everyone.

Today, I picked my son up from my sister and she said that he got in trouble and got sent to the office. Okay... She said that the teacher asked if anyone from the DC had called about my son. She said no, because they didn't call her. She went on saying that my son and another male kid pulled their pants down and were showing each other their private areas. And that they bit each other. On the car ride home, I asked my son what happened and all he said do was make a sad face and say "Because"...We get home and its bath time and I pull down his pants to give him a bath and the bit mark is on his private spot! He said, "he bite my peepee mommy". I didn't know what to think, when I was told biting I figured on the arm or something. I immediately, looked at it and it was obvious that it was bit marks. Not quick, harmless marks...hard marks-breaking the skin. I called my sister and asked what the DC said (I was pretty furious by this time). My sister said that the teacher just asked "if someone called home and that my son, along with another boy, pulled his pants down...and then later they bit each other." I told her tell me exactly what she said word for word because this is serious! She said that the teacher said that she was in the bathroom (they have bathrooms in each classroom) cleaning up from when a child went to the restroom and made a mess, and she looked around and that's what they were doing and she ran to them. "They had their pants down, and later they had bitten each other"; who really knows what happened. (BTW: I am unsure the other child was bit as well. But that's another thing....gone long enough for 2 kids to show what they have and bite each other on it...?)

I ended up giving up on bathing that spot because he cried every time I went near it. I washed everything else, and just made him stay in the water for a little while. I took a picture of it on my phone. I know what your thinking, "how gross!" But I might need evidence....right?

It being after DC hours when I seen the markings, and after DC hours when I picked him up, there was nothing I can do right then...or at least I think.

I am very mad right now at the teacher and in some parts to the DC. I have a lot of questions running through my head right now...:
*Why weren't all of the children being watched?-instead of just the one that needed to be cleaned up after, she could have called someone in to look after other kids while she took care of the mess, or visa versa.
*Why was the teacher away for so long, without any supervision of the kids, for two boys to pull down their pants, show each other their private areas, and get bitten on it?!
*Where and why did this begin?-I know my two year old knows nothing of the nature, he is barely learning what it is and what it does.
*Did someone tell them or show them how to do this at the DC?-Two year olds don't know how to lie and you shouldn't except an answer like "because" out of them. What made them think of this or even to bit each other on their private areas!
*Why wasn't anyone (parental wise) notified about it?!!!!!!! If they can call because he hit or bit someone, or someone hit or bit him; why can't they call to say that a child bit my son ON his private area? I know they have at least 5 number in his file to call someone! I know they didn't call my husband, he would have went crazy finding something out like this.
*Why did the teacher say "and then later they bit each other"...Is she hiding something?
*Is she even certified to be working there?
*Was their signs that I should have looked out for?
*What are my rights and can I do?-Honestly, I feel like going up there in the morning as soon as they open, at 6am, and going off!

My son shouldn't have to cry because his private areas hurt. I pay this DC for them to watch, and take care of my son while I am away; they did the exact opposite. If I wanted that I would have left him at home without supervision, with the dogs.

So now my son wakes up crying every 30-40 minutes....saying "my bobo hurts, my peepee". You can tell he is definitely uncomfortable. This is EFFING RIDICULOUS!!!! (excuse my language)

I would like to know what I need to do, or can do...legally; because I'm about to going 'crazy mom' and 'flip a wig' on the DC. This issue is, and will not, go unresolved.

Thanks for reading!