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BGM 06:47 AM 11-15-2018
So, a couple problems:

1.) My new parent sent her child in with a candy bar a bit bigger than the size of 4 yo DCG's hand...for breakfast? This is the family who got the $82 early fee who speaks Arabic.

You know what? I let her eat it. They're the first ones to come and I was having a good morning. I really wasn't in the mood to take away this giant candy bar and then have the meltdown that would surely ensue.

2.) Sometimes, this little girl is perfectly fine. She cleans up well and is very self sufficient. Other times, she has this ability to scream and wail for at least an hour straight and that's what she's doing now.

I'm not really sure what to do about these bouts of tantrums. She's 4 and acts like a teenager! She'll get moody and grunt no to everything I say, refuse to follow instructions, make her body limp when I try to move her and get out of timeout when I give one to her. I have to put her in the hallway that leads to our playroom with a baby gate between us so that she'll stay in her timeout spot.

Sometimes she'll get super attached to me and not leave me alone for even one second and then have a tantrum when I ask her to give me some space or move her away from my body. She's never been to daycare before, so that's probably why. She's only been taken care of by her mother. She often says she misses her mom I think (in Arabic). I mean, if I'm working on the computer, she'll push up on me so that I can't even work. Or if I'm cooking, she'll always be next to or in front of me to the point where it could actually be dangerous if not extremely annoying.

She's stubborn as all get out. And smart. She's old enough to know that timeout is a figment of one's imagination, which makes it very hard to enforce.

I plan on telling mom she can't bring candy or any other food into daycare at pick up today, but since we already had those other issues, I'm trying to train the girl (and her mom) a little at a time.

As far as the tantrums/screaming/crying/overly attached behavior, I'd like to know your thoughts and suggestions. I give her hugs and high fives when she comes in and throughout the day as I do the rest of the kids, but sometimes, I need to get work done without tripping over a little body.