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preschoolteacher 11:45 AM 11-21-2013
I'm on the food program too, and there are things I don't like about it at all.

Like breakfast. To get reimbursement, you have to serve a whole grain alongside a fruit or a vegetable. You can't get reimubursed for any protein at breakfast--no eggs, no yogurt, no sausage, nada. I would much rather serve filling and long-lasting protein based breakfasts than carbs that don't stay with you long and lead to a snack attack later.

And then the rule about HAVING to serve iron-fortified rice cereal to babies who are between 6 months and 11 months at breakfast. Also the only snack you can be reimbursed for when you have a 6-11 month old is a cracker or whole grain type snack... really? Let's just fill those little guys up with carbs and not give anyone credit for introducing fruits and vegetables. My son never had rice cereal, and he was chowing down on sweet potatoes, peas, bananas, and so much more at 6-7 months old.

I may go off of it some day... right now, I'm making it work.

The milk thing is confusing, too. Yes, lots of kids are obese. But maybe it's because we have to feed them carbs and nutrient-poor meals and don't get credited for protein, veggies and fruits at snacks, or things like pomegranates (which my kids LOVE!!)