Thread: Rant
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MarinaVanessa 07:10 AM 11-05-2012
Wow 9 kids is alot. I can only do 8 but would prefer to only do 7 and even then I only have 4 until noon and get the 7th at 2:30. By 3:30 the others start getting picked up so I don't have them all for longer than an hour. Phew just thinking about 9 kids makes me tired.

You need a "np pay, no play" policy. If they forget the check at home they need to take little Jimmy and run back home quickly to get it. There's no excuse as to why they can't pay you when it's due. One of the reasons that I require payment on Friday by 6:00pm for the following week in advance is so that if I don't get the payment by pick-up I can remind them that it's late and that they can't come on Monday without it including late payment fees. Come Monday morning I send a 6:30am reminder saying the same thing so that they have no excuse for showing up at my door without it. I don't have a problem with it anymore thank goodness.

As far as the $1,000 ... never assume that what the client tells you is correct unless you have a letter in your hand that tells you. I'd call your county assistance program and ask about it. Ask them if you are allowed to require payment from parents until your check comes in. All of my county assistance clients have paid me until I get my first check (usually 2 months later) and when I get my reimbursement check then I reimburse them back and they no longer have to pay out of pocket. It's tough on county assistance clients I know but I wouldn't do it any other way, not all subsidy programs allow you to though so you'd have to ask them.