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cheerfuldom 12:01 PM 07-22-2012
I like the comment about considering the ultimate goal for your child's upbringing.

One of my goals is for my kids to live a modest life of moderation. I feel that keeps them humble and well balanced. I dont promote anything that is not towards that ultimate goal. We do not take lavish trips, have over the top parties, buy expensive gifts. It is very rare that my children have anything brand new.....most is second hand, hand me downs, sales or clearance items, yard sale items, etc. I think it is important for them to learn to live without and learn to life frugally, even though they are young and there are times that we can afford more.

With this in mind, I personally would never allow a family member to purchase any of the pricey items your daughter has received, nor would we take any of the trips you all have taken. My kids are 4 and younger and own no electronics although we do have a DVDs and such that belong to the family.

I dont think you should do things just because you can. You worked hard and scratched your way to success, the best thing you can do for your daughter is to guide her towards the same work ethic and not just give her things because you are better able too than maybe your parents were when you were younger.

For example, my 4 year old wanted a Rapunzel doll for about 6 months. I purposefully did not get it for her for awhile because I wanted her to know the feeling of wanting and waiting for something. She earned her doll with patience and good behavior.