Thread: Venting Thread
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mysonsmom1 08:52 AM 07-23-2012
Started my home daycare business with high hopes. Knowing that being with children is the best thing that I could have ever done. SOOOOO, what I quickly learned is that this can be a tough industry. I never really have problems with the children.. Even on their worst days, I can handle them. What really bothers me is when the parents sign contracts, say that they understand the policy and refuses to comply to the policies. I cant count on my hand the number of times parents have came up with an excuse why they couldn’t give a two week notice. Excuses as to why the tuition cant be paid on time. How they didn’t know that the tuition is due if their child is present or not. The hardest thing to swallow is that some are quick to point the finger at me for asking them to comply to the contract. Errr. (in my best tiger voice). Bills are still due regardless if they are here or not. Some want me to hold a slot open for them that they won’t pay to reserve but they don’t want me to fill the slot with any other children to insure that they will have childcare when their child returns from vacation. I want to be loyal to my clients and I really want to have slots avail for all of the children that have been here. Yet, its putting my family into jeopardy and I don’t want to choose between paying my bills or being loyal to my clients. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Ive already tried to fill the slots with summer children but even they go on vacation...