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adnilwis 09:47 AM 12-18-2017
So today she is my only one. The other 2 are sick and my own kids are at my parents for the day. She got here at 7:30 AM and I haven't heard a peep out of her. Not even a babble. I took her out with me to the store and even there not a sound. No smiles or emotion all day so far. I'm starting to think it is selective mutism. I looked it up and she has a lot of the other symptoms too. No smiling, lack of eye contact and scared of loud noises (vacuum and garage door freak her out. )

I may bring it up today about her not talking the entire day and then see if maybe there are other places she doesn't talk etc. Thanks everyone! Glad to hear it's not just me that thinks it's not normal.