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momofsix 03:03 PM 09-09-2012
I make my own curriculum. I've been in child care since I graduated college many years ago so have some ideas/plans already but really have just started doing a kind of fixed rotation a few years ago. I have one year of "themes"and 2 years of literature based themes thatI plan to rotate every 3 years.
It's super easy to google a theme and get a TON of ideas! For Sept. we are doing All About Me, My 5 Senses and Feelings.
Here are the All About Me/I am Special plans. (I tried to past as an attachment but it didn't work) The copy/paste didn't copy the nice little table I put these in either Each category has its own box. Oh well, you get the idea.
I don't have things scheduled by day b/c I don't like the pressure of that, rather I look at the activities day by day and decide what we will do. I too have different kids some days and so some things we might repeat so that everyone gets to do it. I do what works for the kids on that specific day-yet I'm also structured enough by the plans to include what I want included

Theme All about me!
Goals and/or objectives: the child will learn that
1. God made me and everyone else in His image
2. I am like other people in some ways and I am different from other people in some ways
3. People all need certain things to grow and be healthy: love, food water, sleep…
Books: : I like Myself,
ABC I like me
Quiet as a cricket

Circle time:
Songs: : Jesus loves me, I am special, my fingers are starting to wiggle, hokey pokey< BINGO name song w/ spelling

Felt board:

Practice tracing and/or writing names
Recognize the words me, I, Special, alike, different, like
“ Make all about Me” books
For this week Include a self portrait, a family picture,Practice writing their own names, draw a picture of their house, a page with handprints, a page with height/weight

Small motor:
Fingerprints and stamp pads (on magnifier paper)

Large Motor
Hokey Pokey
The Body Game

Look at how everyone’s fingerprints are different with magnifying glasses
Sort objects that are alike/different and relate that to how people are alike/different
Measure everyone’s height/weight and talk about how we grow
Identify each child by certain characteristics and have them guess who it is
Measure everyone’s height/weight and graph
Match the # of thumbprints to a written #
Graph everyone’s favorite foods/colors/etc.

Sensory tub:
Water beads

1 Trace body outlines and allow to decorate with crayons/glue/etc
2 Use contact paper to attach pictures of the kids to some of the blocks
3.have different clothes for dress up in dramatic play area