Thread: Napping Issue
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Blackcat31 09:21 AM 10-16-2012
Can you talk with him and see if you can't set up some sort of plan of action and not only a consequence but maybe a reward for compliance?

I think at 4 yrs old he is old enough to know what the expectations are for nap time as well as understand consequences. If he has a hand in setting up this type of behavior plan, he may be more willing to follow it.

Studies show that kids are more apt to follow rules when they are given some imput or say in them as well as the consequences of breaking them.

If all else fails, have you tried maybe giving him headphones and some audio books?

I use them all the time and the kids have to lay still in order to hear the sound (I keep it lower on purpose) and they usually fall asleep right away if they are laying so still but in this child's case since he doesn't nap, I would give him the headphones singularly and let him listen to a story or two while he is learning to lay still and quiet himself.