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JenNJ 06:29 AM 01-10-2011
I am GLAD to see questions here about crying babies! We need to TALK ABOUT the frustration and stress a crying baby causes. Above all else we need to tell all providers that it is OK to put the baby in a crib and WALK AWAY. Or call the parent to come and get the child if you can't stand to listen to the crying anymore. If the baby is red faced and screaming, it is OK to take a break, collect yourself, and go back in to calm the baby after you have taken care of yourself mentally/emotionally.

If a provider can't deal with a certain child, TERMINATE that child. It does NOT make you a bad person or unreliable. It makes you human. Not all personalities mesh, including adult and child personalities. There is no fault in that!!

There is such a stigma attached to a provider not being able to care for every single child who walks through her door. Some kids are high strung, some are just unhappy kids, and we need to talk about it! Providers can't "save" each child who they meet. Sometimes a child needs to go home for the day or be let go from the daycare in order to do what is right for ALL involved.

This is a topic that needs to be aired out in order to STOP more violence against kids. So I encourage EVERY SINGLE PROVIDER to find a supportive network online or in real life and TALK, TALK, TALK honestly about the stress and isolation we feel on a daily basis as providers. Ask for help if you need it! Reach out to a provider who is new in your area and share tips about dealing with our job. It is a hard job and a valuable job, but no amount of money is worth the life of a child or your future.
