Thread: Names - OT
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nanglgrl 08:24 PM 04-10-2013
Of course I love my kid's names. Gage is my oldest, he's now an adult and the name has gained popularity but it's not way popular and wasn't when he was a child. Olivia Grace is my oldest daughter, her name wasn't popular either when we choose it but took off and now both her first and middle are usually in the top 10.
I guess we tried harder with the youngest two children, Willow Eve and Xander Kain. So far they are pretty original. Xander was supposed to be Eden Rose until we found out she was a he late in my pregnancy!
A fun fact about my children's, me and the hubby's name is that they are all found in the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. We didn't know this and neither of us has even been a fan. We were asked by several people after our last 2 children if we were fans and had to look it up. Oy!
I also love Isabelle Victoria for a girl.
The most original names I've ever heard were Mara, Taber, Tarkin, Camila and Cash.
I tend to not like boy/girl names that can be shortened but love when girls have names that are usually reserved for boys. I love girly girl names and tough sounding boys names.
I also hate common names but that stems from the fact that my name (first/last and middle) couldn't be any more common and I've had problems because of it. When I went for my first eye appointment I walked in, told them my name and they handed me glasses. I was like, "wow, I thought you guys would have to do an exam!", turns out they do.
Once the federal government was going to garnish my paycheck for not paying someone's student loans. I ended up having to PROVE I wasn't her! I was almost arrested for having a warrant one night after running to the store to get milk and leaving my drivers license behind. Apparently there is a girl in my area with the exact same name, same age and the only difference in our birth date is one number. I have a 8 where she has a 6. I don't like her.