Thread: Kids Crafts
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CalCare 11:49 AM 03-03-2018
Honestly, I don't have any kids do predetermined crafts. My ages are 9 months, 3@ 26 months, 20 months, and my 5 year old son. I have always available on shelves: recyclables and paper, pencils, crayons, glue sticks and random extra scraps. I keep the scissors, liquid glue, paint, stamps with ink and markers up for when I can closely supervise. I set out something here and there outdoors and indoors everyday like just papers and crayons or something, but they always have the shelves they can get whatever they want whenever. I will occasionally do something special like I bought stick wreaths at the dollar store recently and I will put those out one day with pieces of ribbins and flowers and I'll help them wrap them with the ribbons. But general art in a regular basis, I was influenced in art classes and creative classes to just leave all the ideas to the kids.