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AmandasFCC 06:41 AM 11-11-2009
Exactly. Home daycares are at a particular disadvantage to parents who don't want their kids to nap. My rule is, you HAVE to lay down. You don't have to sleep, but if you do, I'm not going to wake you. If a child falls asleep as soon as they lay down, guess what, they NEED that sleep, as much as the parents want to say they don't. I have no problem waking them up after an hour or so, but if they wake up miserable, then who is that really serving? Not me, and certainly not the child. If a child doesn't fall asleep, then they rest for a while, and if they are capable of playing quietly, they are permitted to do so after they rest for at least half an hour. If they're too noisy though, back to the cot they go. Period.