Thread: Venting Thread
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CountryRoads 08:24 AM 07-25-2019
Dcb threw up right at pick up last night. He was completely fine all day and it was very sudden, and he was completely fine afterwards.

Policy states no vomiting for 24 hours. It really did seem like a one time thing. Dcm brought him this morning (I know, I know), I asked her is he was better. "Oh yeah! He didn't puke at all and ate all his dinner."

I just made a comment that we have fun plans this weekend with our children, so I don't want to risk anyone getting sick. "Oh, no! He has a weak gag reflux."

Not even 40 minutes after she leaves, he pukes up his morning snack. Oh, and no change of clothes.

I knew better, I really did. I'm so mad at myself