Thread: Name This Rash
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Cradle2crayons 05:48 PM 05-16-2013
Name this rash...

History::::: Tuesday afternoon I cut grass. It's a weekly thing nothing new. A bath time Tuesday night upon tick check I found a deer tick about an inch under his belly button and another on his right testicle.

Wednesday the rash started. He feels great. No fever. The rash on his face is hot and raised... And his face his very swollen. Benadryl does nothing. Nobody else is sick.

Today I gave him an epi shot because the boy is allergic to everything that stings except bees and he doesn't always tell me if something stings him.

I also gave him Zyrtec yesterday and today.

Where the tick under his belly button was is a papule but no rash. However he has a rash on his trunk and his genitals and a bump where the tick was on his testicle.

The face looks like fifths disease to me but he's had no exposure, nobody else is sick.

He's not eaten anything different or been exposed to anything different

He's not allergic to poison oak. Or ivy or sumac.
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