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Lil_Diddle 02:34 PM 08-10-2016
only one. This past October a dck ran in front of a swing here and fell and fractured his arm. The parents never questioned what happened or made me believe that they thought I did anything wrong. Then in January the dad brought the boy in and within minutes of the father's departure I knew DCK was sick. He was running a fever so I called dad. DD knew boy had a fever and said, "I guess the Tylenol hasn't kicked in yet." told DD he needed picked up. No big deal, dad seemed ok about it. When DD got here he went unleashed. "I can't believe your all about following the handbook.... When he fractured his arm, we could have turned you in, our Dr. told us that he was not hit with a swing" It got to the point I had to raise my voice and tell the DD to leave because he was so irate. DM called later and apologized and said they do not believe I would ever hurt their child and they believed me and the DD was just stressed. I gave him the opportunity to come back and talk and he refused to talk about anything or apologize. So I figured I needed to let them go, I just felt DD was a liability. The mother and I were both upset about it, she even called me back in May and begged to be let back in, but I just don't want to have contact with DD again.