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I'm about to lose my mind 03:40 PM 12-12-2017
I tried looking this up online, but most articles I found were related to postpartum depression and anxiety- nothing about daycare workers.

The center I work at is basically one big room with half-walls dividing the room up into 3 rooms. When you walk into the foyer, there's the first half wall with cubbies on the outside. The first "room" that you enter is for the younger kids (under 2s). Then, there's the second room, the kitchen. The back room is for the 2-4 year olds. (There is also a sleeping area with cribs along one side of the kitchen and the baby room- closed off by half-walls).

I spend most of my day in the baby room. At some points, I am in that room alone with 6-8 children- the youngest being 5 months and the oldest being 16 months. The other teacher for the baby room will pull out one or two babies at a time to eat- so the kids are eating ALL day. When she puts the babies into the "baby room" they start screaming, and she just snaps at them "This is daycare."

At one point today, I was alone with about 5 or 6 kids- who were relatively calm, when my coworker started telling me that there were kids who needed to be changed. At the time, she had ONE child in the bucket seat getting ready to eat, but I was the one who had to move the content 5 and 6 month olds into walkers/exersaucers so I could leave them alone in the room with the toddlers (of course, they started screaming).

Whenever another teacher in the room needs a new outfit for a child, I am asked to fetch clothes from the cubby area- even if I'm on my lunch break. Yet, if I need a new outfit, I have to take the child with me and go get the outfit on my own. The one time I asked, my boss had a problem with it.

There are days when the screaming doesn't stop. It's not just fussing. It's red-faced, blood-curdling SCREAMS, and I literally don't have enough arms to comfort all of the kids. One stops, and another starts. They feed off of each other, and there's nothing I can do.

I just don't know what to do. I'm looking for something else, but I just can't handle the constant screaming. I feel like I'm losing control, and I don't know what to do.